White Papers

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10 Ways to Grow Your Business Through Referrals From Existing and Past Customers

Your past customers generally know, like, and trust you. They have experience with your company and your products and know your strengths and limitations. Many of them would be proud to share you with their friends or rehire you for the same or a different product or service. Are you making it easy for them to refer you?

3-Step Goal Setting Worksheet

Do you have a clearly articulated goals for what you want to accomplish? Use this 3-Step Worksheet that will help you: 1) Document all of your achievements, 2) Analyze a realistic view of the current state, 3) Create meaningful and achievable goals for the future.

4 Practical Steps to a VALUES-Driven Business

Values are the essential ingredient for personal and business happiness. Living in accordance with our values makes us better people. Implementing our business values at the micro decision-making level makes our businesses better and more successful. The big question is “How do I implement my values?” Download this white paper for the 4 essential and practical steps to values-driven profit growth.

4 Secrets to Increasing Profits

If growing your profits is important to you in the future, then this white paper was written for you! You’ll get several ideas on how you can grow your profitability, by answering a series of questions in this paper. Remember, growing profits does not necessarily mean you have to work harder.  Sometimes, we just have to work smarter.

7 Epiphany Moments For Business Growth

7 simple realizations that can make all the difference to a business leader

9 Actions to Build Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement is a key factor that is highly correlated with business success.  Do you know how to measure it?  Do you want to know how to improve it? This white paper provides some insights and answers.

Business Effectiveness Assessment Tool

Take this short survey and see how effectively you are running your business.

Developing a Coaching Culture

Does your business have a coaching culture with a network of coaches? Learn about the 12 core coaching competencies that will increase your employee’s ability to work together and significantly improve the performance of your company.

How to Avoid the 7 Critical Mistakes Most Business Owners Make

There are 7 common mistakes that business owners make. Are you making any of them? Review these issues and rate each of these items as to how important this point is to you as a priority to be fixed. Then write down some action steps to take to improve the situation if needed.

How to Make Successful Recruitment Decisions

Comprehensive plan on hiring for success

It’s Time To Light The Fuse (In search of a Category Buster!)

Be proactive and search for that category buster of an idea to grow your business.  This white paper will give you some ideas on how to do that.

Let’s Talk Strategic Planning

Do you regularly take advantage of an opportunity for your business to think out of the box, compare notes with colleagues, and get ideas that will help you grow your business? See how this white paper on Strategic Planning can benefit you and your business. Make time for a strategic planning ‘time out’, at least once a year. You’ll be glad you did!

Marketing Message Self-Evaluation

Use this practical form to evaluate and improve your marketing messaging. It works well for all types of marketing materials and employs the three laws of Marketing Physics from Doug Hall’s book “Jump Start Your Business Brain”.

Measuring Performance

What shape is your business in? Are you answering that question with the right “key performance indicators” (KPIs) in mind? Or indeed with any KPIs in mind?  This white paper will help you define them.

Networking Tips

Learn essential skills to be a master networker

PBC Operations Manual starter

The Operations Manual is the one system that guarantees a client’s success in documenting and franchise-prototyping a small business. This white paper will help you get that important task started.

The Power of a Process for Increasing Sales

To be successful at selling you need a system, a process for selling that ensures you do the right things in the right way every time you are in front of prospects. This white paper is a great aid on how to save time, replicate your success, and improve your odds of closing every deal.

The Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Leadership Skills

Collection of great tips to improve your leadership skills and with many additional links to tools and videos. First used for February 2012 newsletter

Thriving in a Matrix World

Continuous improvement is a must in this day and age.  Matrix working is a key way to tap into the creativity and innovation of your people.  But where to start?

This white paper will give you some practical tips and guidance on this essential business need.

Time Management in Business

Do you find that the time to do what is really important gets swallowed up by what is very urgent? Time Management is THE big issue for many of us at the start of the year. Take time to download this white paper for more Time Management tip and a practical 5-step implementation plan to better manage your time, the most valuable asset.

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