Step 1 to reopening your business is to assess this new business environment and evaluate the impact of all of the changes you deem necessary to achieve 100% health confidence in your company from your employees and customers. There are 4 phases to achieving this first step…
Understand that “COVID-proofing” your business environment is the ONLY solution to ensuring people know they won’t become sick and possibly die because they come into contact with your enterprise.
Personally lead a whole company consultation on adapting your business in this time of the pandemic. This demands that you engage ALL of your employees in drawing up a “solution-impact” diagram. The solution we need to get to is that everybody feels (and in reality IS) physically safe in our hands. The aim is to generate as many ideas for achieving 100% confidence as are necessary.
Organize each idea generated by your solution-impact consultation into categories. As a guide only, we suggest 6 as per the diagram below:
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