Seven Gifts from the ‘Happiness Advantage

  1. The starting point for the Happiness Advantage is the truism; happiness is the prerequisite of success, rather than the other way round. Happiness is a Choice, Happiness is a Work Ethic.
  2. Your mind is your super power. A positive and optimistic view of people and life are like Archimedes’ ‘fulcrum and lever’ that could move the Earth.
  3. The ‘Tetris effect’ is a brain imprint that causes us to repeat our habits and outlook.  You can reprogram this to see the patterns of possibility rather than negative paths of failure. Just the simple daily act of writing down 3 good things that happened that day can change your mindset in 21 days!!
  4. ‘Falling Up’ is the mental route to success your coach can guide you along. Away from the quagmire of mediocrity and failure.
  5. The ‘Zorro circle’ is the mind strategy to defeat seemingly overwhelming odds. All it takes is one-step at a time to reassert control by beginning with small manageable achievements.
  6. The ’20-Second Rule’ is Achor’s daily practice routine to ward off weakening willpower and to reinforce positivity. Make it convenient to do the right things and difficult to do the ones you want to avoid.
  7. ‘Social Investment’ is all about being guided to invest in relationships with friends, peers, and family to move forward in challenging times.

‘BE-Do-Have’ Keys to Success
When coaching, I often talk about the ‘BE-Do-Have’ principle. See also my 5 Leadership Principles from earlier this year.
When this principle is reversed, we hear the expression of a ‘victim’ Be-Do-Havemindset; Folks say, “If I only had a million dollars then I could have all the things that successful people have and be the successful person I really want to be.” At PBC we prefer to guide our clients to ‘ditch the drama’, as Cy Wakeman calls it, and be proactive towards your business success and personal happiness. Both of which are OPTIONS you can choose.

Being the person you want to be is a choice, not an outcome. You can decide today to be happy and successful. Then you can Do the things that successful people do and only then, will you Have the benefits they enjoy. It’s all about taking responsibility and making it happen. 

All too often achieving your vision can seem even more difficult than it should be. The secret of success is to deliberately change your point of view and choose a better mind-set. Moreover, the objective outsider guidance of your coach is the key to unlocking your potential.

As Cy Wakeman puts it, “no one is born accountable, self-reliant, self-mastered, and resilient, yet these are the qualities that count, the ones that will fill you with confidence and afford you the chance to chose your destiny, no matter what your field of endeavor.” 

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